When I say long walks, I mean about 2 kilometres which is not bad going as only a few weeks ago he could hardly stand up.
We are taking things easy, no running and chasing balls. We don't want him to twist too fast and pull his leg again. Stairs are banned unless we absolutely have to go up them.
Ben has started playing with his toys again, and he is generally back to his normal happy self again.
He will be taking the nutraquinn and the rimadyl for ever I expect. The vet thinks he will need the pain killers long term so that's what he will have.
Two painful limbs
Connor spent some time with us when he was recovering from a broken arm. He did this playing dodge ball at school, he slipped on the ball and went down on the concrete. OUCH he was in plaster for a few weeks but never complained once.
I think Ben and Connor were sympathising with each other.
Connor April 2016 OUCH !!!