JULY 2018
Struggling a little with the heat and arthritis but I am doing ok.
I have been to the vet several times, and mum and dad have taken advice from the Canine Arthritis Management website.
I have got new tablets from the vet which seem to be working and regular pain killers.
The heat has been tough but I am getting through that with fans, a cool mat and a
regular spray of water.
Because I am old and aching I have several short walks a day we call them 'Snifarries'
this keeps my joints moving.
I think I am doing pretty good for 12 years old,
I can still move pretty fast when I hear my dinner dish being filled.
Keeping cool just now is a bit of a problem, the paddling pool is great but I prefer the sea.
I don't go in there much, its too difficult to get back up the beach my legs don't work as well.
This is a view from one of our morning walks, its very pretty here.
Mums been making a blanket for a friend of Sarah's hope she like it, its for her baby girl.
More views from the walk near our home, its lovely and the sea breeze is very cooling.
Just Lion in the shade xxx