April 17th 2019 was the day Ben passed away, 2 long moths without him. I love to think he is running free with his friends over a rainbow bridge somewhere. His passing was the most awful thing we have gone through. It is taking time to get over him, and we will never forget our sweet Ben. His soft hair and his fun ways.
The house is so still and empty and quiet without him. He was such a good dog, loving, sweet natured and kind. I don't get a clogged vacuum, I miss his hand fulls of hair. The splashes up the walls where is shakes and rubs himself.
It was hard to talk about in the beginning, but we are slowly being able to discuss him, and to remember all his little quirks.
We have decided we will have another dog, I think Ben would approve. The dog would not replace Ben, and he/she would never be the same, Ben was one in a million. But we have a lot to offer another dog. I have looked on the internet for a rescue dog, there are so many out there all looking for forever homes. Its going to be a difficult search, but I am sure there will be a dog out there somewhere.
Love you Ben