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16 May 2011

My friend Buddy May 2011

We went along to see Buddy today, he is growing bigger.  He is nearly as big as me now.  He is so full of energy, oh this energy its so wasted on the youngsters.

He is a Really Good Looking Boy

A Good Walk along the Seafront in the wind, really blows the cobwebs
away and makes you feel to good.

Fort William Holiday May 2011

We have just come back from Fort William on the West Coast of Scotland.  We watched the weather forecast for a few weeks before we went and it all looked very good. 

When we got most of the way there, we had to drive through a torrential rain and thunder storm,  I really don't like the thunder.
By the time we arrived the weather was lovely and the cottage we had booked was very nice as well. The cottage was just outside Fort William and the lady who owned it was very nice.

The first thing we did was go for a walk round to see just where we were.  We walked to the top of the hill and we could see Ben Nevis, one of the very highest mountains in Great Britain.

Ben Nevis in the background

It was a steep walk, but the views at the top where worth it.  This is Loch Linne,

These lochs are at Fort Willliam they are called Neptunes Staircase

It rained a bit the next day when we were walking round Fort Willliam, but we found a very interesting pub named after me I think.

I am not sure who this chap was, but he was still there when we left a week later.


The Commandos monument near to Fort Augustus, this is in a lovely place overlooking the glens where they trained.

This huge ship was going through staircase lochs into Loch Ness.

A nice swim in the loch

This was the Isle of Skye, a very pretty place to visit.
And another good swim, I do love the water.

A very cloudy view from the top of the hill in Fort William

We all managed to go out for a meal, it was Mam and Dads 20th Anniversary and we went to the Bothy Restaurant in Fort Augustus.  The very very nice man allowed me in, which is very unusual. So I sat very quiet under the table and just had to watch that my tail didn't get in the way.  Mam and Dad had Haggis and Chicken in White wine cream sauce, and the chef brought me some beef.   It was really nice to be allowed in.

The Bothy where we all had a lovely meal, it says on the sign,  "Dogs Welcome" very nice.

The front garden of the cottage.

We had a lovely time in Fort William, the scenery was lovely, the people where all very friendly we had lovely walks every day, and all too soon it was time to go home.

3 May 2011


We love the beach and Druridge is a wonderful open beach with miles of sea and sand and dunes.

This beach goes for miles and miles its beautiful


We decided to book a holiday, in the UK. We want to travel round the West Coast of Scotland. 

We have found a lovely cottage where they welcome dogs, this was fairly easy as there are quite a lot of cottages where dogs are welcome, so much to Ben's relief we are going to Fort William to a lovely cottage overlooking the loch

However, once there where we have the problems of finding places we can visit or eat where Ben is going to be welcomed.

When we lived in France we could visit many restaurants and Ben was welcomed and often given a little treat and at least a bowl of water.  He just sits quietly under the table and doesn't bother anyone. 

In the UK there are very few places where dogs are allowed unless they sit outside and its not always warm enough.

I don't see why if they are kept under control and not in any food preparation areas they can't be allowed in.

We have been told that we can go on a loch cruise  they have said Ben is very welcome so we are looking forward to that.

Well we will find out once we get there just where we can and can't visit. 

May 2011 Walks near our house.

We have been having the most wonderful weather here. Sun sun and more sun with just a few cold breezy days and very little rain. 

Its great as it means we get out a lot more and stay out later as well. Days at the beach and some adventures finding our way around the walks here.

We have managed to find our way round an Art Trail, its between Seaton Delaval and Cramlington. You wouldn't think there was very much land to walk, but once off the main road you could be anywhere in Europe. No cars just trees, fields and other walkers.

This is the Spoon, it has some graffiti on it, but it has "Eat for England" engraved on the handle.

This it the empty cloak, or Capella as it is called.

Both art pieces are located in fields, with no sign posts or explanation.  At first we thought it was a bit silly, but now we quite like visiting them.

Found some water for me to play in, my favourite passtime, yes